All About Marketing

In 1998, when the newly amalgamated Township of North Grenville was formed, our design company, TD Graham + Associates had already been around for nine years, and had developed a reputation as an award-winning marketing communications firm. The new township needed a logo – a brand to display on letterhead,…

416 Book Still Available! North Grenville - A book of historic and economic significance to Grenville County is still available. The Four-Lane Comes to North Grenville - How they built the Veterans Memorial Highway published by Kemptville-based company Habit Five Publishing, is available by special order (see contact, below). For…

Every community and organization needs an effective marketing and communications plan. How else will you know if you’re on the right track, reaching the right folks with the right messages? Here are five key steps to keep in mind when putting a plan together. 1. Do the research Perform a…

Our experience working with many municipalities has made us realize they often face a similar challenge: ‘How do we attract new investment, while retaining our existing businesses?’ The answer: a good marketing plan. An Economic Development Marketing Plan involves three components: An assessment of your community’s marketing preparedness The development…

Municipal leaders and economic development professionals recognize the importance of having an effective brand for their community. They also recognize that branding is more than having an attractive visual identifier or logo. An interesting way of looking at branding is as if it was an iceberg. The part you see…

Town of Renfrew recently announced its new brand refresh for the Community. “The logo sets us part from other surrounding communities,” stated Councillor Arlene Jamieson, Chair of the Economic Development Committee. “It gives us a strong identity and allows us to be unique and competitive in our attraction efforts.” “The…